Kenzie had a great time with her friends!
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Kenzie's Field Day
Kenzie had a great time with her friends!
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Sunday, March 29, 2015
9th Birthday Party at Itz
Pizza, cake and games. Landon, Kenzie and the boys had a great time. Even Bryan and Danny had a great time. We spent four hours there. Landon had a great birthday.

Saturday, March 22, 2014
Soccer season begins
Landon and Kenzie both had games today, within 30 minutes of each other. Luckily they played at the same fields this season so Bryan and I both got to watch the games.
A lot of Landon's old teammates moved up a division but we still have a good team. They won 6-0 today. Landon had a ball that he kicked right over the goalies head to score.
Kenzie is on the same team as last season. We love her coach. They changed the fields this year so they are much shorter and the kids only play 5 on 5. Great idea. But that also means we scored over 13 goals. The other team had 3 and 2 they scored for us.
Both kids had a great time.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Spring Soccer
We had a late cold front come through this week. Wasn't sure Kenzie and I would go to soccer but it ended up being a nice morning.
Here's a photo of Kenzie putting on her makeup before soccer.
And another photo of Bryan giving Landon some soccer advice.
Family Sunday
We actually got up early enough to stop at McDonalds for breakfast before church. Kenzie is always excited to put on beautiful dresses, but it's a fight every Sunday to get Landon in "dress clothes" which means khaki shorts. You'd think they burned his skin.
The promise of park after lunch got everyone up and ready.
After church, we stopped by the house, changed and headed back out. McAlister's for lunch, where we got to visit with friends. Then on to Challenger park.
We first went on nature walks. Spotted a huge spider which I'm convinced was a tarantula. (Picture on Bryan's phone.) After going down a couple trails we headed back to the playgrounds. Kenzie loves to swing. Loves it. Landon of course still loves monkey bars. He's always been a climber. It was a fun afternoon.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Reading / Yogurt
Landon's favorite place is Yogurt Bear - he LLLLLLOOOOOVVVVVEEEEESSSSS it. Kenzie enjoys it too. But Landon always want the table with checkers.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
No More Pacifier
Kenzie got a boo-boo at school. Her and a friend were fighting over a pot and the other kid let go - smacked Kenzie right in the lip. Ouch! However - she will no longer use her pacifier because it hurts. So we may be off the paci for good!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
West Texas Football and Parade
On Saturday, we made it to Portales in time for the Parade! The rain stopped long enough for the Parade, the kids eagerly waited for the candy to come.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Fall Soccer - Hot Shots
Kenzie played well, she would yell for the team after Bryan and I would yell. And she thought it was really funny that a girl on Landon's team was name "MacKenzie" too. After the game, Landon told us he would remember this game for the rest of his life.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Wildlife at work