Tuesday, November 29, 2005

20 Week Check Up

Ahh...never schedule a doctor's appointment the day you return from vacation. Still full from our Thanksgiving feast, Dr. Johnson has asked me to take a step back from the table. =-) I was a little upset about it yesterday, but I'd lost five pounds (water weight) this morning, so Dippity-do. And, guess what, my next appointment is right after Christmas!

Baby is measuring 20 weeks, which is exactly what we thought. April 13th is still his doctor's due date, but the ultrasound tech mentioned the 15th.

We went through the baby things my sisters sent with us this weekend. Lots and Lots of girly stuff that we save for next time. I wiped down most of the other stuff (i.e. baby swing, bouncy chair, bassinet, etc.) The baby's room is already full and we don't even have the big stuff yet! I definitely need to run by the store and get some little hangers.

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