Thursday, September 14, 2006

Side Walker

Landon's slowly getting better. Night before last, we stayed up all night - until 6:15(AM), when he finally fell asleep in his swing. Then he didn't nap more than 20 minutes a time yesterday. He finally went to bed at 9 last night, Bryan decided to sleep in the babies room cause he's still feeling sick too. So they're both in Landon's room, with the humidifier and the menthol, and mama's sleeping like a baby with no baby kicking her in the stomach and no daddy snoring. Anyway, Bryan and Landon come in our bedroom around 4:45am - Bryan says Landon hasn't been sleeping at all, and now they're both exhausted and could I take the baby and let him go back to the babies room and sleep. Sure thing...I get the tylenol out, give Landon a dose, and less than 10 minutes later, we're both asleep. YAY, mom gets more than 6.5 hours of sleep.

A side note, we watched Lucky Number Sleven last night - it was really good. I love Morgan Freeman, but the whole thing was very strange, good strange.

So, to the title of this post. My baby side-walked. LOL. Before I take him out of his crib, I pull him up and let him hang on the side. I keep my hand behind him to keep him from crashing...but on Tuesday, I was doing this, and he side stepped all the way to the other end of the crib!! Yay big boy!! He's also doing a really good job of sitting by himself. (Translation, he sits longer now before he leans, then falls to the side.)


  1. Wow what a big boy! That's good that he's starting to feel a bit better. There's nothing worse then when they are sick.

  2. Poor thing! I'm so glad Landon is getting better.

  3. Poor Landon! I'm glad he's on the mend.

    Side walking? Cool! What a big boy!

  4. I'm so glad you finally got some sleep. I bet you feel like a new woman.
    Poor baby and poor daddy too though. I hope they both start feeling better soon.
    And it sounds like Landon is going to take off pretty soon. Get ready. It's a lot of fun!
