Saturday, July 31, 2010

Back to work...already!

Can you believe it?  It's already time for me to head back to work.  I only took the 6 (paid) weeks off.  We just can't afford to take 6 more weeks unpaid (well, we could afford to, but then my lifestyle would have to change and I don't deal with that very well.  LOL.)

So, I'll be back at work on Monday.  My older sister and two of her kids came in last night.  I'm so excited to have family in for the next couple of weeks.  Last night was already heaven!  Of course, everyone was ready for bed and Miss Mackenzie was wide awake at 11!  Jill and TJ took her to the guest room and rocked her to sleep, letting me go to sleep early.  Once she gets to sleep, she sleeps well, she just likes being up late.  Or I guess I should say, her schedule is skewed by about three hours.  She sleeps really well from 12 to 9.  And then its normal daytime schedule.

I'm so proud of my milk supply this time around.  I just look in the freezer in awe.  I already have so much milk stored up.  And we haven't supplemented at all yet.  Not there's anything wrong with that.  We had to with Landon, it broke my heart the first time, but then you realize that's its more important for him to get the nutrients he needs than for me to stress about producing enough, which in turn causes you not to produce as much. 
But luckily, Mackenzie is a much better eater than Landon.  As you can see from all her pictures.  Speaking of pictures - she looks exactly like my baby pictures.  EXACTLY.

Since we have family coming in for the next 6 weeks to watch Mackenzie, we've also changed Landon to part time at daycare.  He'll only go Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  The same as his best friend Mason.  We figured he'd be begging to stay home with family anyway because he doesn't like going when Mason isn't there. So, why not save money at the same time.  He's pretty excited about it.  Although he's really ready for Mackenzie to go to school.  And to crawl.  And to talk.  LOL.

Today's our anniversary.  We don't have any big plans, although my niece Kallie told us that we could go to dinner and a movie while they watched the kids.  She even told us we could pick whatever movie we wanted.  We're all taking a late breakfast at La Brisa, which I've been wanting to do for a while now.  I hope it doesn't disappoint.

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