Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Seven Months

Yeah, yeah, I know...I need to post more frequently.

I'm 28 1/2 weeks now. Landon moves ALL the time. His favorite time is between 9 and midnight. But he's starting moving around during the day too.

We started working on the nursery - moving the book cases out, cleaning up the closet. We're waiting til February to buy the crib and dresser (hoping for a sale.) The bedding we wanted (Puppies and Planes) went on sale a few weeks ago, so we got some of the pieces. Its perfect for the yellow room and matches with the Nautica quilt we have for the twin bed.

Bryan and I have started exercising again (new year.) We're cooking at home and trying to eat more fruits and veggies. Hopefully I'll be able to keep the weight gain to a minimum for the next 12 weeks. I really want to get my strength training back up so labor may be easier and of course, so recovery will be shorter. Its getting harder as less and less of my clothes are fitting.

We had a nice baby shower in Tallahassee. Gina invited everyone over to her house. We had food and played some games. We received lots of great baby stuff. Clothes, monitor, swing, money for the crib. Sharon also gave us some baby clothes at Christmas.

I go back to Dr. Johnson on the 31st. Then I start visits every 2 weeks. I had my glucose testing done last week, hopefully that will come back normal. We also registered at the hosiptol and found a day care. Now day care - that's a whole other story.

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