Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Enough to Eat?

So how am I supposed to know how much Landon needs to eat? We usually send 4 oz bottles to day care, but I think he may need more than that now...hmm...have to talk to daycare ladies this afternoon.

The little cutie is sleeping awesome at night. (I know I probably jinxed myself.) He's only getting up one time, around 3 or 4 and then again at 7ish. We woke him up this morning! He's still doing great at volleyball. Nicole watches him while we play. Last night, she fed him a little and he was out.

As for me, I started BFL again. Day 2 today, so far, so good. I would hope I could be good for two days. We'll see.

I'm looking for training in the next couple of months (web training that is.) Work will send me anywhere, so Bryan and I are trying to decide somewhere that will be nice (and not too hot) for all three of us. San Diego? Chicago? Washington? Orlando? That's a couple of the places offering the class. Landon's still to young to fully appreciate a vacation, so will probably hold off on Orlando for now.


  1. They say a baby should eat 2.5 ounces per pound of body weight per if he weighs 12 pounds then he should have 30 ounces a day.
