Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Rainy Days

So we woke up yesterday morning to downpours (as I'm sure you've seen on the news.) And, no, our neighborhood wasn't that bad, but Bryan and I decided to stay home anyway. It was nice to sleep in with Landon on a Monday Morning. All the humidity made Landon's hair curl up on top. I'm afraid he may end up with my curls.

That boy is getting so big. I just can't believe it. He wore little blue jeans yesterday! How cute is that?! I took a picture with my phone, so it's not the highest quality...

Funny story - on Sunday night, Landon had been asleep for quite a while, so when he woke up to eat, I was super full. He was having a hard time latching on, and we were both getting soaking wet. Well, when we got up the next morning, Landon had dried milk all over his face, in his hair. Poor little guy. I should have taken a picture of that, because he was just smiling, not caring at all that he was covered in mama juice.