Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Anxiety Attack (and Bryan Rocks!)

First of all, the AA. No, not that AA, I'm talking anxiety attack.

I went to the gym after work, to get in my 4 miler, realizing I haven't run since the previous Monday and I've signed up for a 5k this weekend and I haven't run a 5k in over a year and its going to be hot and, and, and...on comes the anxiety. I have no idea why. But I just felt like everything was wrong about me being at the gym.

Which, of course, turned into a horrible run. First of all, I get on the treadmill, check my heart rate - yeah, its already 120. So, bonafide attack. I walk for 2 minutes, trying to calm my heart down before it beats out of my chest and I have to clean blood off of everything. I finally start running, and barely mentally make it past the first mile when I have to walk. I finally ended up quitting deciding to stop at 3 miles. 32:54. Whatever.

So, on to the good stuff. Bryan rocks! Seriously! What you ask, did he do that was so wonderful? He bought me this:

Isn't he just the best husband ever. =-) I totally rocked that yard last night. I can't believe how much easier it made mowing. And its a super mulcher, so I only filled two bags of grass last night instead of like 6. Seriously, this is the best gift ever.


  1. Yeah Bryan! I know what you mean about the anxiety. I can't believe I am going to do that 5K with you this weekend. Atleast you can run that far if you want to. Some of us already know we will be crawling to the finish melting in the heat, but hopefully I will get a t-shirt and the ability to say "I did it!"

  2. Way to get some miles knocked out!! I have a 5K this weekend also, that I am not prepared for ;)

    Good luck!!!!!

  3. I'm sorry about the AA. Dang that sounds scary. Buuuttt, I'm sure you'll do killer on the 5k ;D

    LMAO isn't it funny how things we *heart* are now different from 10 years ago. I just got a new vac and am in heaven over it ROFLMAO!

  4. LMAO at the new mower. I saw the pic and before I read I was like Jodie got herself some rocking exercise equipment...

    You know what they say about the bad runs, making you stronger to rock out the 5K!
