Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Family Weekend

My mother's family all came down to Houston for the Klienwood singing. I think there 1100 people there this year. (Klienwood Church of Christ - they sing for about three hours.)

Then we spent the rest of the weekend visiting with everyone up in Sugarland at my cousin's house. Mom flew in on Thursday and stayed until yesterday. She kept Landon the whole time, which was nice for both of them. Yesterday when we left for work, they were both in the rocker, watching TV.

Landon now loves cereal. It hasn't changed his sleeping habits at all, so don't believe that myth. But the doctor said that it did help with iron levels and that's why it was important to go ahead and start him on it. (I know, I know, you hear all kinds of different advice.) Anyway, he loves it. He really liked it when it was a little runnier because he could do the spit thing, kind of making a razzing sound through his lips.

He still loves his new stroller. Being able to sit forward and see everything - loves it!

Mom and Dad have started our training for the half marathon in Dallas. We'll see how that goes. Its so bloomin' hot.

Oh, and your opinion please! I'm still losing hair like crazy. Yes, I've read that this is normal and it will start the next cycle of growing sometime. But good grief. So I'm wondering if I should cut it short. Any suggestions? I thinking just a little longer than chin length, a bob or something. Of course, this would mean I'd have to blow it straight, but with as thin as it is now, that doesn't take any time at all.


  1. Yeah, I have the same problem. I want to get it cut so bad. I was going to try to just let it grow long enough to donate to locks of love or something, but I've got a long way to go and I can't STAND it! It falls out in clumps--I know what you mean. I pretty much wear it in a ponytail every day and don't want to have to take time to actually make it look decent. It would be easier if we could all just shave our heads...

  2. Mine is falling out BIG TIME! Handfuls every day. I'm not cutting it but am getting more frequent trims to keep it neat looking. Braids or pigtails most days. The BG doesn't like me borrowing his brush anymore because it's full of hair after one brushing (Gross, but I forgot to clean it just one time and he never forgot!)

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